I have dental anxiety. My dentist said that sedation dentistry would help and gave me nitrous oxide. Outside of making me feel disconnected, it didn’t do anything. Is their a medical reason why sedation doesn’t work for me?
Bernadette P. – Oklahoma
There are several levels of sedation. Nitrous oxide is the lowest. It works for people with mild anxiety, enough to help them relax and let the anesthesia do it’s work. But, if you have a stronger anxiety, which it sounds like you do, then you need a deeper level of anxiety. My suggestion would be to use oral conscious sedation. You’ll still be conscious, but you won’t feel (and likely won’t remmeber) a thing. All you have to do is take a pill.
There is a downside. You will be too out of it to drive yourself to and from your appointment.
Hopefully, this will help you get the dental care you need. I know dental anxiety can be debihlitating and cost your health.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.