I’m having a procedure for which my dentist strongly recommended dental sedation. He wants to use something called oral conscious sedation. Apparently, I have to have someone drive me to and from the appointment and the doctor wants to meet them and talk about post-op. The problem is I usually take an Uber to my medical appointments. . I’m not married and all my friends work. I can’t really ask them to take a day off for this. With Uber, you don’t really know who you’re getting so it’s not like I can depend on one of them walking in with me and talking to the dentist. Then coming back for me later. I was thinking a good option would be Craigslist. I could advertise the need for a driver that day plus time at the dental office. If I interviewed them ahead of time, I’d get a feel for them. Have you ever had a patient use this method before?
Dear Liv,
Sedation dentistry is a great way to get through difficult procedures, especially oral conscious sedation. You will be absolutely relaxed throughout. In fact, most patients completely sleep through their procedures.
This effect doesn’t just end once the procedure ends. You will be groggy and unsteady on your feet for several hours afterward. You need to really think about your suggestion of hiring someone to drive you.
First, they won’t just be driving you to and from your appointment. They will also have to stay with you during your recovery time. You’ll be unsteady on your feet and a tad loopy.
Even if you interviewed them ahead of time, are you certain you would trust them with your home and body? This could be very dangerous for you.
Assistance with Dental Sedation
If you truly have no one who can assist you, there are still options. Check with your insurance for a home health option. Also, if you’re a member of a faith group, see if someone in your congregation can help. I’m sure your pastor, priest, or rabbi could even recommend someone.
Even if you’re not a member of a faith group, there are many churches who’d be willing to help someone in your situation. You’ll just have to let them know of your need.
If you’re uncomfortable with faith groups, you could try some community groups. There are always options. Let your dentist know your struggle as well. He may have faced this with other patients and already has great ideas about it.
This blog is brought to you Hilton Head Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.