I was hungry and my dental appointment wasn’t until noon. I ate a small candy bar. But, then when I was in the middle of the procedure I got super sick and threw up. Was that the candy bar or did I have a reaction to the sedation? I want to be certain because I’ve got another appointment scheduled. I don’t want to get that sick again.
Denise L. – Ft. Smith, AR
It’s hard to give a certain answer to that. It’s very possible the candy bar caused your nausea.The dental sedation makes you woozy to begin with. Adding food to that is a recipe for disaster.
My suggestion is for you to speak with your sedation dentist between now and then. Let him know you ate something before your last appointment. It will help your dentist determine what type of sedation medication to give you. It’s possible to give an anti-nausea medicine along with the sedation medicine.
The key is honesty. Depending on your dentist’s “I told you so” factor, he or she may lecture you about eating. But, that’s a small price to pay to make sure you get the best medication for your body. Hopefully, they’ll be gracious. Most dentists are.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.