I have a back molar that needs a crown. Would a gold or CEREC be better?
Drew B. – Syracuse, NY
A lot of that will depend on your feelings about aesthetics. Both are fine crowns. For a molar the gold would be stronger and less of your natural tooth structure would need to be ground down in preparation for the crown. The downside is you’ll have a gold tooth. In the back that might not matter to you that much, but for some patients that is a big deal.
A CEREC crown is strong, but not as strong as the gold. Because it is made out of porcelain, it will match your natural teeth. The CEREC crown has the added advantage of being done in one appointment. The gold will require two appointments. It’s really that simple.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.