There are a few things I’ve never been happy with regarding my teeth. Every once in a while I think about changing some of them. It seems like no matter what I mention (fixing a chip, making them whiter, closing a gap, etc.) my dentist says, “Porcelain veneers can fix that”. Are they really the holy grail of teeth that my dentist thinks they are?
Kelly D. – Nevada
While porcelain veneers can repair all the things you listed, Holy Grail might be carrying it a little too far. I have yet to see porcelain veneers heal a mortal wound. That being said, they can do even more than what your dentist mentioned. Here is just some of them:
- Make crooked teeth look straight
- Whiten (or darken) teeth
- Change the shape of your teeth
- Change the size of your teeth
- Close gaps between teeth
You might ask for a consultation with your dentist and discuss everything you’re hoping for in your smile.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.