Can you tell me what facial collapse is? I was planning on getting dentures, but my neighbor said that would mean facial collapse.
Evelyn M. – Mississippi
When your teeth are removed, your body recognizes that there isn’t any tooth structure in your jawbone any more. Because of that, your body begins reabsorbing the minerals in your jawbone to use elsewhere. Little by little your jawbone will shrink. Eventually, there won’t be enough jawbone left to even keep your dentures in your mouth.
There is a way to prevent that. Instead, of getting dentures, you could get dental implants. I hope your dentist mentioned that as an option to you. This procedure puts a post into your jawbone, then attaches a crown to it. Your body recognizes there is something there and leaves your jawbone alone.
One thing you will love about them, is they are much more comfortable than dentures. Dental implants are like having your own natural teeth in your mouth again. I would talk to your dentist about them and see which option is best for you.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.