My dentist is wonderful but doesn’t believe in sedation dentistry. I have a procedure that pretty much requires it. I’m getting a wisdom tooth extracted. She wrote me the names of three oral surgeons but they’re all men. I’ve always felt more comfortable with female practitioners. Because of that, I called my dental insurance and asked for a female oral surgeon. The person on the phone said I was being sexist. Am I? I don’t dislike men but have just always wanted someone with a more maternal nature. Either way, I did some research and can’t seem to find a female oral surgeon in my area. Do they exist?
Dear Louisa,

Choosing Your Sedation Dentist
Everyone is different in the type of caregiver they’re comfortable with. Some men are only comfortable with male practitioners. Some females are only comfortable with a female practitioner. What matters is that the patient feels comfortable and cared for. Therefore, my personal opinion is that is not a sexist attitude.
The fact that you can’t find a female oral surgeon may be more of why the person on the phone tried to cast dispersion on you. Believe it or not, hardly any women go into that particular field, but no one seems to know why.
There are sedation dentists who will extract your wisdom tooth. You could do a search for a sedation dentist and list all the female dentists. Please be sure to check their reviews as well as their sedation qualifications. For instance, Dr. Rothwell is certified with DOCS (Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation). This will ensure they’re fully trained and know how to handle any emergencies that arise.
What If You Can’t Find a Female Sedation Dentist
If for some reason you can’t find a female sedation dentist, you have choices. First, you can look for a male sedation dentist with the right qualifications and ask to have a female hygienist present. Dentists should always have someone else present while you’re using sedation anyway because they’re focused on the procedure and need others focused on your vitals, etc.
If you prefer an oral surgeon, however, you can do something similar. My suggestion is you find an oral surgeon on your list who gets great reviews from patients. Then, have a consultation with him to see how you feel. I’d also discuss with him that you prefer having a female present. Most surgeons have females on their surgical team so that shouldn’t be a problem.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.