Why in the world is my dentist insisting I see a cosmetic dentist for a crown just because it’s on a front tooth? I love my dentist. Isn’t a crown a basic service? Sometimes I feel my dentist sells himself short. I’m a big believer in helping people meet their potential. Should I insist he do this?
Laura O.
Dear Laura,
You could insist your dentist do this, and he may give in, but I don’t think you’ll be happy with the results. It sounds to me like both you and your dentist are the best type of people and truly deserve one another. He’s completely honest about his limitations and wants you to have the prettiest smile possible even if it means he doesn’t get your business. And you care about him enough to try to push him on to greater things. You both make me feel good about being part of the human race.
Here’s why he wants you to see a cosmetic dentist. Your front teeth are the most visible when you smile. Even their subtleties are noticeable. If you’re getting a single crown on a front tooth, it doesn’t just take a cosmetic dentist; it takes a highly skilled cosmetic dentist to match all those subtleties perfectly. And you will want them to match perfectly.
Finding an Expert Cosmetic Dentist
I’m going to recommend two ways to find an artistic and skilled cosmetic dentist. The first is through the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). They have an accreditation program which helps separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. Any dentist who has reached accreditation level is among the top 1% of dentists in the country. You will get a beautiful crown which perfectly matches your adjacent teeth. So check with aacd.com and check that you’re looking for accredited dentists in your area.
However, accreditation takes many years and very few dentists are accredited. So, if you have trouble finding an accredited dentist within a reasonable distance you have another very good option. Another great website resource is mynewsmile.com. They screen cosmetic dentists that wish to be listed on their site. No one can simply pay to be listed. They have to demonstrate both their technical knowledge as well as their artistry in their work by providing a large number of sample cases they’ve recently done. Anyone they recommend will also create a crown you would be proud to share with a smile.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.