I’ve been having my teeth whitened. My dentist made me teeth whitening trays and provided me some gel. When my gel runs out, he checks my gums and some other things and, if all is okay, gives me another supply of gel. Is it safe to continue with my teeth whitening or will I have to wait until this whole COVID-19 deal is over?
Dear Amy,
If you still have gel, finish it. What happens from there will depend on the state you live in and the policies your dentist currently has. Several states have closed dental offices for all but emergency dental care. In that case, you can simply wait it out until this is over.
Other states are allowing certain procedures. There won’t be many dentists doing everything. A great deal of dental equipment is aerosolized, which puts the dentist and hygienists in danger of contracting COVID-19. You might think if you are asymptomatic then there is nothing for a dentist to worry about. Unfortunately, we are learning that someone can be asymptomatic and still be carrying the virus. If you’re hearty and healthy, your body just fights it better so you don’t show any symptoms. The problem is you will still pass it on to others whose systems can’t fight it as well.
One thing your dentist may do is just provide you with the gel and ask some questions in order to gauge how your gums are doing and whether or not you’re developing any tooth sensitivity. It isn’t ideal, but could allow you to continue with your teeth whitening while all of this sorts itself out.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.