I am a hockey player and I have lost two teeth this year. That isn’t normal for me, but it has to be dealt with. What would you say is the best option for me? I’m looking at dental implants but am wondering what would happen if I lost the same tooth again with the implant.
Dear Jack,
I am glad you wrote. It certainly has been a tough year for you. Dental implants are the best option in tooth replacements. They are the closest thing to having healthy, natural teeth in your mouth. However, given your current sport and run of “luck” some adjustments will need to be made in order to keep you safe. First, get the implants placed. That is important. You want to protect your jaw from any bone loss. Having those implants in place serve as prosthetic teeth roots so your body preserves the jawbone in that area.
The danger comes if you lose that tooth again, which is a concern you mentioned. The implants are not as flexible as your natural teeth so if that tooth gets hit hard enough then you will end up damaging the bone and jaw, which will be quite serious. Because of that, I don’t want you to place the crowns on the dental implants…yet.
Instead, get a simple, removable tooth replacement like a dental flipper. Then, once you are retired from hockey, that will be the time to place the permanent crowns on your teeth. You’re in a tough sport, but that tells me you’ve got gumption. You’ll make it through this.
This blog is brought to you by Hilton Head Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.