Back when I lost my teeth, no one knew about dental implants. Without completely giving away my age, let’s just say I had dentures placed back when the first Bush was president and leave it at that. I’ve never quite liked how they look. They don’t look natural. They don’t really fit anymore and my face squashed on them. Whenever I look in a mirror I feel ancient. Did I wait too long to get implants? I keep hearing younger people talk about how great they are.
Lorraine T.
Dear Lorraine,
The two issues you’re facing can be common even today, although there’s a solution to both. You have a two-fold issue going on here. One is aesthetics. The other is mechanics. Let’s address aesthetics first.
Whoever originally placed your dentures was not a skilled cosmetic dentist at the time. Even dentures can be made to look not just natural but gorgeous as well. In the future, whenever you’re having work done which requires some artistry, make sure you go to a skilled cosmetic dentist. An AACD accredited dentist will certainly be able to give you a beautiful smile.
The next issue is mechanics. When your teeth were removed, your body started reabsorbing the minerals in your jawbone to use elsewhere. After so many years (certainly less than the Bush’s), you don’t have enough jawbone left to secure your denture anymore. That’s why your dentures no longer fit and your face looks squashed.
All that being said, I have great news for you. It’s not too late for you to get dental implants. It will mean you’ll need to get some bone grafting done. You’ve lost so much bone, the grafting will ensure you have enough to sustain the implants. This used to be a much more difficult procedure than it is now. In fact, it can be done in one day, but you’ll need a few months healing time before you can proceed with getting dental implants.
Also, you don’t need a single implant for each tooth. Generally, just getting six or so implants will be adequate. A good implant dentist will give you a recommendation based on your particular case.
This change will greatly improve your quality of life. They’re much more comfortable than dentures. You’ll find your comfort, along with your ability to eat food greatly increased. Plus, they’ll make you look at least a decade younger because your face will no longer be squashed.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Bonnie Rothwell.